All posts by Ted Bates

Notes for Officials

MOLESEY AMATEUR REGATTA, Saturday 18th July 2015

MOLESEY JUNIOR REGATTA, Sunday 19th July 2015


Thank you again for agreeing to officiate at Molesey Regatta this year. On behalf of the Committee I thank you very much indeed for your time and help. I hope you have a pleasant incident free time.

The draw, information notice for competitors, the safety instructions, radio procedures, the risk assessment and a map of the course are available on the regatta website. Paper copies of documents will be available at the Regatta.

Access and parking

Access to the regatta for officials is via Sadlers Ride, off Hurst Road, East Molesey where parking is available. Please park in the ‘Official Car Park’, which is close to the main marquee.


Please report to Race Control for your equipment, a programme and any necessary briefing at the times indicated on the attached sheet.  If you have one, please bring a stopwatch and a lifejacket. Launches will pick you up at the landing stage.

Please could you report for your shift to the Chief Umpire at race control 30 minutes before your shift. Andrew Ruddle is chief umpire on Saturday and Elaine Green on Sunday. For the first shift on Saturday, could those on the Control Commission arrive at 7.30 am and others at 7.50 am.

The primary concern of the umpires has to be the safety of competitors.  No other duty should take priority over this.  Umpires are responsible for ensuring that the course remains safe for rowing at all times and should take particular care that the circulation pattern is adhered to.  With much river traffic adjacent to the course itself umpires should pay close attention to the safety of competitors in the start and finish areas, and those proceeding to the start.

Races are started from stakeboats on Saturday by Umpires. On Saturday, in the interests of the regatta schedule, please assist crews to get attached if they are causing delay. If crews are unable to attach themselves (due to a strong crosswind or inexperience) please use your discretion and abandon the stakeboat start in favour of a free start. On Sunday there is a free start.

Umpires are responsible for the conduct of the race itself.  It is vital that umpires check in advance precisely which race they are taking, who the competitors are, etc.  Updated programmes will be provided as far as possible for each duty by Race Control. When returning to the start (and indeed when following races) umpires should keep an eye on activity in the navigation channel and be prepared to call for assistance.

Radio Communications

All umpires and other race officials will be equipped with a radio.  Umpires, safety boats and regatta officials will all be on the same communication channel. This is likely to be channel 1 but any amendment will be advised to you by Race Control when you report. There are up to 15 radios in use so please minimise their use.

Your attention is particularly drawn to radio procedures in the event of an incident. One of the safety boats, or an umpire if a safety boat has not yet arrived, should take charge of the incident. They may require racing to be stopped and radio communication on non-safety matters to cease during the incident.

Start Control

The start marshal is located on the Middlesex bank. In addition, a river marshal will be available on Saturday and Sunday.  Marshals are responsible for management of the start area, collecting crews for races, bringing them to the start, and providing information to the race umpires and to the judges.  With an intense programme of races over two full days the importance of the start marshals cannot be overstated.

Judges at the Finish

Judge at the finish should record results and convey the information to Race Control.  It is important that umpires at the Finish pay close attention to which race is on the course, and that they communicate with the start marshals on this.  The bend of the River means that the start is not visible from the Finish on Saturday.

Control Commission

The principal boating area is just downstream of the Finish, and CC umpires can play an important role in getting boats swiftly onto and off the water at busy times, as well as keeping the pontoons clear of oars, shoes, etc. The regatta is also providing two marshals to help with this.

Race Control

This is located next to the Finish Judges.  Race Control is responsible for management of the race programme, checking crews in, weighing coxes, and checking and updating licenses (under the supervision of an umpire when required).

Race control will endeavour to print out the race programme at intervals during the days with updated results and retimed races (we wish to minimise these) so officials should have an updated programme for each duty. However, please keep your own programme up to date as far as possible. Please report to race Control before your duty to obtain an updated programme, a radio and other equipment.

Thunderstorm Plan

In the event that a thunderstorm seems imminent, the Race Committee will implement the Thunderstorm Plan.  If deemed necessary boating of all crews will be stopped, racing will be suspended and any rowers on the water will be required to return quickly and safely to the boating area.  All umpires and marshals should assist with this process, and once the river is clear, leave the water themselves.  Racing will only recommence when it is safe to do so.

First Aid and Safety Facilities

First Aid and Ambulance facilities will be available next to the marquees close to the Finish.   Rescue launches will also be operating on the course. Details of where to get assistance are shown on the Regatta safety plan.


There will be a separate table for officials at the refreshment tent where food and drinks will be available.

Contact phone numbers 

Chief Umpire  (Saturday) – Andrew Ruddle 07946 528277

Chief Umpire (Sunday) – Elaine Green TBA

Safety Adviser – Jonty Steel 07920 480185

Race Control (Saturday) – Bob Davison 07986 100231

Race Control (Sunday) – Pat Sinnott 07884 438656

Regatta Secretary and Saturday Co-ordinator – Ted Bates 07951 638516

Sunday Co-ordinator – Hans Peter Ulrich 07981 019138

Sunday Co-ordinator – Rachel Knight 07917 755055

13th June 2015