MAR Safety Plan & Rules


Information – availability (Before the Regatta, ensure the following):                        

– The draw, information notices for competitors, safety instructions, radio procedures, risk assessment, are all available (and easily located) on the Regatta website. (

– This includes a map of the course with possible landing points for casualties, and positioning of safety boats, first aid equipment, etc, clearly marked.

– Copies of this Safety Precautions/Emergency Procedures information sheet (including copies of the course map) to be available at the Event.

On the Day

           – All marshals, launch drivers, etc, and a responsible member of each crew must study the Safety information notice displayed by the Registration Desk

Other Navigation

– Warn crews of potential 2-way traffic behind Platts Eyot (“Thorneycroft”).

– MAR will have liaised with Hampton and Aquarius Sailing Clubs to ask that they keep the Regatta stretch of the river free during the weekend.

-the Environment Agency is to be informed of the Regatta well in advance, and their agreement obtained to close the Regatta reach to navigation. (i.e. the Surrey side of Platts Eyot/Thorneycroft)

Boating Instructions

– Crews going afloat or landing must minimise the time taken on the landing stages.

– This includes quickly clearing the area of all oars, water bottles, kit, etc.

– Please obey marshals’ instructions.

Rowing up to the Start

– Crews rowing up to the pre-race marshalling area must only use the Middlesex side of Platts Eyot, and must only do any practice starts in the stretch above the Regatta Start – up to the Concrete Blocks.  Absolute compliance is required.

Marshalling before the race

– Marshalling. At least 10 minutes before the start time, participating crews must be on their stations on the Surrey bank above Aquarius Sailing Club (below Aquarius for the Juniors on the Sunday).

The marshals will guide you. Obey their instructions. Do not be late !

After the Race

            – Turn by Hampton Church and come into the landing stage upstream.         

PRJS 20th May 2019, reviewed 19th June 2021, 23rd May 2022, 23rd April 2023, 30th April 2024.