17th July 2015
Apologies for this late correction to the draw which was announced last night.
Here is the amended draw for the EXPLORE RACES at Molesey Regatta on Sunday 19th July 2015.

Race 1   Walbrook v Molesey   11:30am


Race 2   Staines B  v  Weyfarers    11:33am


Race 3   Staines A v Winner Race 1 13.33


Race 4   Winner Race 2 v Winner Race 3 14.54 A FINAL


Race 5    Loser Race 1  v  Loser Race 2   14.57 B FINAL


Crews should report to registration at least an hour and a half before their race time to collect numbers, and be directed to Andy Graham, who is the event organiser.


Note that the race times above must be observed exactly as these races are part of a busy race programme.


Please e-mail me your crew names today. I already have Walbrook and Molesey crew details.


The normal entry fee of £48 may be paid on the day or beforehand by transfer to 20-90-56 40677833 with narrative of EXPLORE and your club name.


MAR medals will be presented to the winners of both finals.


I hope the races go well and that the crews enjoy themselves.






Ted Bates
Molesey Amateur Regatta Secretary
07951 638516
22 Vine Road East Molesey KT8 9LA